Downtown Eugene

Thursday, February 16, 2006


Public expenditure, as proposed by city staff, never addresses public issues. This is true until the public reacts. The public is not reacting these days, which makes city staff pretty happy.

Look at the proposed expenditures: parking garages, consolidation of property by the wealthy, new highways & overpasses, handouts to a private hospital, building a new city hall, building a new police station, handouts to a private national food chain, the building of another sports stadium, etc.

Ask anyone, and they'll give you a list of the real problems in their lives. And the above list addresses none of them:

1. Work; meaningful work; work that makes them feel free and fulfilled; work that ties you to, and benefits, your local community.

2. Health: affordibility of regular & emergency care. A better integration of healthcare into everyday life. A respect and regular evaluation of many different approaches to health.

3. Food & water: good quality local foods, produced by local small farmers, in direct connection to the community, which does not damage the ecology, which doesn't involve the use of chemicals, and which respects the land and the people involved.

4. Shelter: affordable, ownable, beautiful, sensible housing which helps us in pursuing our dreams, by providing workspace, integrating well with nature, and being part of a walkable neighborhood with character and amenities.

5. Happiness & community: a range of different activities, available everywhere, which bring people in touch with each other, for conversation, activity, shared creation, and mutual support. A community that moves away from fear, and towards goodwill.

6. A government that works towards providing these for everyone.

These are restated basic human rights, not far from Artcle 25 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, one of the most important, and most ignored, documents of the UN, adopted in 1948. It is ignored by the United States, on a national & international scale, and within the United States, by most local governments.

Anyone reading of these rights, can begin to think of how they can be implemented, on a local level. It's not that hard.

1. Promote the coming together of local expertise in a variety of areas, with the goal of creating work from within, resolving local problems in a natural, incremental manner. Create centers and organizations around ...

2. ... healthcare -- locally-built clinics & hospitals, production of herbal and western medicines, broadening participation and availability and affordability of healthcare.

3. ... food & water -- support local small organic farms, promote them, subsidize their distribution systems, etc.

4. ... shelter -- centers for plumbing, carpentry, metalwork, and the building of homes, civic amenities, parks & gardens & farms, mixed-use environments, financing, etc.

5. ... community -- places where people can go in an evening and take pleasure in working and creating with new people.

To those of us who've been involved in initiating projects like this, the solutions seems quite straightforward. But we don't seem to be able to maintain the attention of City Staff in terms of funding such publicly-minded projects. And we won't, unless the public is more fully involved. To resolve this problem, we need to:

1. Create an inspiring repository of "alternatives" that work. The books A Pattern Language and the Encyclopedia of Social Inventions, and the magazines Rain and the Whole Earth Review, among many others, were attempts to create such repositories, to act as catalysts for making the world a better place. This is the vision: the alternative to the current power-led approach to spending public capital.

2. Initiate a movement within the population, to take control of the pocketbook, and make democratic decisions to build and fund wonderful projects that address fundamental issues.


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At 10:22 PM, Blogger 梁爵 said...

2020.05.04酒店工作因為一名酒店S女公關的確診,造成全台酒店、舞廳無限期停業,收入靠酒客的酒店上班坐檯小姐頓失每月數十萬元的收入,紛紛開始找副業度過難關。據八大行業透露,不少酒店小姐轉行當foodpanda(空腹熊貓)、Uber Eats的外送員,因收入不夠支出,還會再兼職當傳播妹,上月底有酒客到台中市KTV時,找熟識、現在酒店PT失業的酒店小姐外送到包廂坐檯,該酒店打工小姐進包廂時,還穿著熊貓制服,也讓酒客莞爾,小姐致歉兼撒嬌「工作難找啊!」知名八大行業酒店經記梁曉尊說,他旗下有130多個坐檯小姐,這次「被停業」後,小姐急著找副業拚經濟,有人當起超商店員,有人花了兩千多元跟熊貓買了相關的制服、設備,兼差當起美食外送員,還有人變成網拍業者,忙著拿貨,上網拍賣,擔心一個不小心就喝西北風,但也有人乾脆當放長假休息,不過每天都會有小姐打電話詢問「老闆,什麼時候要開工?」。梁小尊說,這次停業對酒店業造成的影響真的很大,他有個小姐是高雄人,年紀才20多歲,2年前才到台中工作,當酒店小姐的收入不錯,每個月都有10幾、20幾萬,今年初才剛買千萬的房產,準備在台中定居當台中人,每月要繳的房貸要5萬多元,現在突然沒工作,只能趕快找兼差,期待政府趕快想開,宣布讓酒店等特種行業復業。酒店經紀梁小尊/梁曉尊說,現在不少酒店的坐檯小姐都轉行當傳播妹,外送到各個知名KTV,因為此次政府宣布停業的是酒店、舞廳跟有男女陪伺的視聽業,一般的KTV不受到影響,不過酒客沒了酒店,還是要喝酒,有包廂的KTV就變成最好的去處。梁曉尊/梁小尊說:上月底才跟朋友去台中市一家KTV唱歌,因為知道認識的酒店小姐沒工作,打電話聯絡小姐到包廂坐檯,小姐出現在包廂時,他跟朋友看到都笑出來,因為小姐已經兼差當起熊貓外送,沒空換上漂亮的禮服就衝到KTV,擔心客人找別的小姐,所以連衣服都不換,趕緊衝到包廂內上工。

At 1:17 PM, Blogger 梁爵 said...


At 12:08 PM, Blogger 梁爵 said...

大多數的酒店小姐都不會透露自己的真實身分,我們也會提醒小姐做好自我保護,每位酒店小姐上班都有自己的理由跟目的,別期待別人對妳說真話,更別輕易相信別人口中說出來的話,酒店小姐往往滿腹委屈不知道該向誰傾訴,這時妳必須找到一個值得妳信賴的人,除了傾聽妳心裡的話之外,並且提供妳多元的意見,我不敢說 我是聖人 更不是偉人,但我是能幫助妳的人。我相信,適時適度的抒發情緒對工作上是有很大的助益的,讓梁曉尊帶妳走過人生中最低潮的時刻,陪妳共同創造出屬於妳的美麗世界。


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