Downtown Eugene

Sunday, November 26, 2006

The Downtown Collective

The City of Eugene purchased options on a number of buildings downtown. Normally these would be used to negotiate a large development package ... but this approach is both unlikely to succeed (having failed in 10 years to build a single private building downtown) and undesirable (since the result is unlikely to reflect the city's character).

Among the buildings now available for purchase by the city, are the properties that have most usually been considered "locked up", because the owners, the Conner & Woolley families, do not find it feasible to invest in improving the facilities, in coalition with existing or potential local tenants.

This drives me to conclude that the Conner/Woolley portion of the options should thus be bought by the City.

Under city ownership, I propose the buildings be managed by the tenants of the buildings, in a community tenant Downtown Collective. The property would be installed in a City-owned private trust, to allow the Downtown Collective the greatest flexibility, for example to use volunteer or student labor to make improvements and develop activity. The Downtown Collective would also have an advisory non-tenant membership body, and the tenant mangement body would act in mutual benefit with these other downtown groups. The Downtown Collective would officially fall under the final control of Eugene's City Council. It would have city financial tools available to it, under City discretion, to manage and incubate the space, in the most efficient way possible, as measured by regular monthly analysis.

The Downtown Collective would broaden to include any new tenants in the trust. They thus become self-perpetuating, as tenants work hard to make their individual projects succeed through a continuous fabric of activity that attracts and satisfies the public.

Given the above criteria, the following organizations would become the Downtown Collective: Saturday Market, Lane County Farmer's market, DIVA, The Tango Center, The Jazz Station, The New Zone Gallery, Downtown Events Management, Inc., Quan's Restaurant, ShawMed and Pivot Architecture. Participation is of course optional. Note that protecting, and enhancing, the current tenant's activity is a paramount for the coalition.

Note that among the tenant members, the non-profits and co-ops in this list are already coalitions of many other local Eugene groups. These are automatically invited to be part of the tenant group.

The purchase of these buildings, and the formation of a political body to manage them, will itself bring immediate and intense interest to downto Eugene.

For more information, join the Downtown Collective page at


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At 11:05 AM, Blogger 梁爵 said...

2,職場須知 【酒店PT 】因為S的問題!雖然現在已經資訊發達,法律也有各種明確規定了,但是不能否認還是有非常極少數的敗類利用毒品、高利貸、感情(就是所謂的老二酒店經紀)拐騙脅迫一些女性作非自願的 S,但是那都是非常少數,而且會在短時間內就被警方查獲的。我們是經營了二十幾年的酒店經紀公司,不可能為了脅迫姐妹S而將公司信譽毀於一旦。基本上酒店小姐的工作本質就是俗話說的:賣笑不身。姐妹去到別的任何一家酒店經紀公司或是酒店應徵酒店小姐,如果他們用脅迫的方式逼妳做 S 的話,那就直接去檢警單位檢舉告發吧!
3,已婚或是有男朋友.俗話說「如果有頭髮沒有人願意當禿頭」,酒店是一個特種行業,主要工作內容就是服務男性酒店客人,但是感情的獨佔慾望是每一個人都有的,99.9% 的姐妹都是為了經濟壓力才會來酒店打工的,尤其是已婚、有男朋友的姐妹若不是為了錢,怎麼可能會有來酒店上班的念頭?就好像女性也萬萬不能接受自己的男人去牛郎店上班是同樣的道理。
5,年紀與條件問題.如果姐妹已經滿18歲,那這個問題其實根本不是問題,因為酒店小姐身分證上只是一個數字,代表酒店小姐真正的年紀是心態與外表。我十幾年的酒店經驗,也看過不少的酒店小姐,我所知道每一家酒店持續的前三名都是三十多歲的姐妹,年輕辣妹偶爾會有一陣子前三名,不過都只是曇花一現而已,這證明了酒店小姐的年紀不是問題,問題在心態!有了自信之後就剩下外表的問題,有些姐妹說:「老天爺不賞飯吃,就讓我天生長得這樣。」聽起來似乎很有道理,我們撇開可憐的殘障問題不談,我看了很多姐妹的問題就是一個「過於肥胖」的問題,90%的肥胖決不是天生的,讓我不禁想起「只有懶女人沒有醜女人」這句話。所以姐妹們不要只是因為要到酒店上班才注意自己的體態,為了自己的健康與自信,平常就應該隨時注意自己的飲食與運動,如果姐妹們有心調整自己的體態,Trust me,You can make it!

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