West Broadway, 1927

What was on West Broadway, 80 years ago? It might give us a glimpse into the actvities of a downtown that serves its citizens. Also -- just reading this little list makes one think of ideas for West Broadway.
On the Intersection of Willamette & Broadway:
Western Union Telegraph
JC Penny
Hoffman Hotel
Hargreaves & Lindsay (contractors)
Then, heading West:
Borroughs Adding Machine Company 68 W
Mathison Barber Supply 39 W
National Cash Register 43 W
Dunbar T N Co 82 W (tires)
Valley Printing Co 76 W
Ludford's Paint Store 55 W
Caswell's Variety Store 56 W (notions)
Oregon fire relief assn 37 W (insurance)
Emery Insurance Agency 37 W
Art Needlecraft Shop 45 W ("hemstitching business")
SOS Implement & Hdw Co 73 W (hardware store)
Pretty much ending with a large Auto Service complex on Broadway & Olive:
Bettis & Wyatt Super Service Station
Brakel & White Factory Service Station
Auto Lite Authorized Service Station
Bosch Authorized Service Station
Delco Authorized Distributor
Noth East Service Station
Remy Authorized Distributor
Exide Battery Service
Across the street from a General Store:
Haskell Market 904 Olive
"Groceries, Flour, Feed, Hay, Grain, Field and Garden Seeds, Stock & Poultry supplies, Fertilizers of all Kinds"
Data from the 1927 Eugene Telephone directory.
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