The Weekday Market

For the past few months, The Tango Center, at 194 West Broadway, has hosted a diverse market-dance-art-cafe event known as The Weekday Market. It's every Monday, Wednesday and Friday, from 10am - 4pm, with extended hours during the First Friday Artwalk and this Friday's Downtown Holiday Party.
The Weekday Market was inspired by the building it is in: the only building ever built as a farmer's market in Eugene. As such, we have a year-round local organic farmer's market inside, usually on Wednesday and Friday, in cooperation with Lane County Farmer's Market. At any moment you can find meetings, yoga classes, dance practice, art events, live music, DJ'd music, and the normal diversity of a university-town cafe ... professors, poets, students, downtown workers, artists etc. It has wifi, a performance sound system, one of the world's best social dance floors, and a cafe with constantly changing menu based on the farmers' local produce ... translated into an Ethiopian and Argentine menu. There's locally-roasted fair trade espresso, empanadas, mate, soups, artisan bread by Il Forno Pane, and a wide range of artists.
We soon start a capital campaign to buy the building, which we would like to restore to its former beauty. The year-round market would complement our successful evening activity, The Tango Center: a non-profit, all-ages, community dance-hall and exhibition space.
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2021.02.23台、美警方偵破跨國酒店打工色情媒介集團,警方經查,31歲的集團首腦林女曾是中部地區知名酒店工作名花,後來轉任酒店帶檯幹部,可能也因此後來接觸到跨國色情媒介酒店上班管道,認為國際淫媒有利可圖,才跟專司招攬酒店妹的陳姓酒店經紀一拍即合,也讓自己賺進大把鈔票。小姐坐檯陪睡小時計價 萬元起跳,警方調查,透過面試,林女旗下美眉都是擁小模身段、臉蛋的美女,職業包括上班族、網拍美眉與直播主等,且分為400美元(約1萬1200台幣)與500美元(約1萬4000台幣)兩等級,也就是性交易每小時的價格。性交易每小時400美元起跳,倘若外型條件非常亮眼,最高還有達每小時700美元(約1萬9600台幣),而單純陪飯局100美元,24小時一天陪出遊則1500美元(約4萬2000台幣)到2000美元(約5萬6000台幣)。該集團則從中抽佣約4成做為媒介費用,即6、4拆帳。6、4拆帳 雞后賺飽飽,林女旗下的美眉外文能力普遍不佳,服務的對象皆以華人為主;接客地點,美國為舊金山、洛杉磯,加拿大為多倫多、溫哥華,澳洲為雪梨、墨爾本等。林女經營媒介色情以來,從擁有許多名牌包,以及花費300萬元購入雪弗蘭跑車來看,顯示賺了不少錢,生活優渥。
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