Downtown Eugene

Saturday, May 03, 2014

A history of waste

I'm very supportive of a year-round, indoor farmers market in Eugene. Like our outdoor farmers market today, vendors there will sell all kinds of locally-produced foods. Because of the association with Saturday Market, other local goods will probably be sold there as well. 

This is probably the best next thing that could happen to the local Eugene economy. 

The Saturday Market and the Farmers Market are incredibly important incubators of local consumer-producer relationships, a role played since Saturday Market launched in 1970. 

Paul Ollswang's 1970 Saturday Market PosterThis is Paul Ollswang's original poster for the first Saturday Market. Most people don't realize that Eugene's market inspired Portland's market, which inspired Manhattan's market, etc. It was the revival of a natural idea at the right time, in the right place.

The butterfly parking structure is a good location for a permanent market, facing the park blocks. It's actually the original location of the Farmers Market downtown, which opened in outdoor structures there in 1915. A step-up was the building of Eugene's first indoor market in 1929, a community-built, extremely pretty salmon-and-terracotta building on Broadway & Charnelton.

This building is covered-up by a stucco shell today, and the City tried very hard to tear it down, along with surrounding blocks of businesses. It housed the Tango Center at this point, an organization that fought back, ultimately defunding Urban Renewal through measure 20-134 in 2007. This defunding is the reason for downtown's revitalization today: there were no remaining incentives for commercial slumlords to hold onto property waiting for a payday, so properties were sold to smaller developers. The Farmers Market/Tango Center building became Lord Leebrick Theatre (now the Oregon Contemporary Theatre). 

Basically, with the coming of Urban Renewal after World War II, our local governments developed a habit of wasting downtown. They destroyed a beautiful County Courthouse where the current one sits, a beautiful City Hall on Willamette Street, a Carnegie public library on 11th, blocks and blocks of small local shops … even the park block landscaping was far more beautiful in the past. Urban Renewal provides incentive to destroy, for its own sake -- not preserving the good, not destroying the bad -- just destroying. It indiscriminately destroys small businesses, schools, non-profits, small producers, local ownership, local jobs, pretty parks, pretty buildings, trees, people, etc. Its record is horrendous.

So, the butterfly parking lot is, once again, a perfect location for a permanent farmers market -- actually, Saturday Market was held upon this structure for several years.

But a few questions come to mind:

Why can't Lane County build this farmers market? Have they no responsibility to Eugene's downtown?

Why does the City need to trade half of the City Hall lot, of all things, to get the County to do the right thing?

Now, I've never been a fan of the 60's era City Hall. But, frankly, it's much better than most civic buildings erected since. It's open, it's humble, it's full of greenery, it has amusing artwork and fountains ...

It's also so 1960's … it's practically an art & design history lesson. It could have been enhanced and lovingly preserved as a "cool 60's" tourist attraction. But instead, it was wastefully, purposefully allowed to fall apart … an act of government-sponsored vandalism, in my opinion. With trivial improvements, it could have been made more sound, more livable, and a center of activity again.

At a time when the City, County and University all complain about a lack of money, they all exhibit a total addiction to their wasteful Urban Renewal habits. 

This City Hall could easily be converted into a useful, colorful and charming relic. But there's no imagination, just destruction, in the Urban Renewal mindset. 

We saw the City's wasteful lack of sensitivity and imagination during the battle over downtown, when, in an early attack, they tore down the Sears Building, a powerful structure that, with a few new windows, could have become a palatial community center. Instead, the City left a hole in the ground on the site, for years. And when the County finally built something there, it was the least-human new government structure in Eugene since the horrible new federal building.

So, by all means, get rid of the butterfly parking lot, and build a beautiful Farmers Market … but why tie that to destroying city hall? 

And why are so many millions of dollars continually wasted on plans for a new city hall that is never built? Where does this bureaucratic culture of waste come from?

I must point out that it's everywhere, not just in Eugene. 

We live in the United States, whose government has been the greatest obstacle to world peace since the end of the Second World War. Corporate-government collusion is anti-people by nature, supporting wealth and power. It only does something good when forced to. So, left to its own devices, corporate-government waste will constantly interfere with the possibility of good life.

I'll pick another example from local headlines, although there are so many ...

Imagine a student from a poor village anywhere in the world, witnessing the PR spectacle of allowing US students to graffiti a perfectly functional, expensive building, in preparation for tearing it down, to build an uglier, bigger, more expensive building, which students will be paying off for years to come.

This is the insanity of the destruction of the 1970's skylight wing of the EMU at the UO campus. Now, I'll admit that I watched this building during construction, and I was part of a very critical movement against modern architecture, and didn't like the elevated outdoor balconies, the odd-shaped rooms, etc. 

But, I always enjoyed the central open spaces, the light, the fact that it was always possible to host an event in a corner without really disturbing anyone … the student centers, the craft center, the ride board, the rental boards, the forum room with its wooden panels and carpeted step-seats, the giant pillow sculpture hanging several stories from an impossibly high skylight …  

It's not how I would design a student union, but it's certainly much better than the design that will replace it, which is bloated, hideous and senseless. 

But the worst part of this story is the sheer waste of tearing down the EMU Skylight wing. 

This is an expensive building. It's only 40 years old. It could stand for centuries. It functions perfectly well, once you start to hang out there. Why not fix it, conserve it, improve it, and restore it … instead of tearing it down? Why spend over a hundred million dollars to perpetrate this waste?

I'll just pick one little victim, among all this carnage. There are a few lovely trees outside, that will be torn down soon, that provide great shade for study in the summer, and a kind of unusual connection to activity inside the building. It doesn't look pretty enough: there are too many concrete beams and bunker traps … but, like a few public buildings from the 60's and 70's, it's kind of idealistically-motivated, and it kind of works. And, as is common in the last 20 years of UO campus construction, it will be replaced by something far worse.

At the time this wing was built, as I've written about before, the University was experimenting with an extraordinary participatory planning process known as the Oregon Experiment. It was set in motion by architect Christopher Alexander in 1970, when the UO was reeling from student rejection of top-down planning. I don't think anyone could read The Oregon Experiment (Oxford, 1975) and come away with a desire to tear down big buildings and build bigger buildings. But that essentially describes the work of the UO planning office today.

Instead, here's the key message from Alexander's work: make small changes, fix the worst things, keep the good things, and use your heart to determine these things. Your heart will never tell you to tear down beautiful trees to build a concrete megastructure! You'll get a better structure if you follow your human side, and design around the trees.

There are larger issues raised by all this extraordinary waste.

About 10% - 20% of the people in Eugene are unemployed or underemployed. Another 50% desperately want to do something else. If there was any government body that carefully nurtured money, acted in the public interest, and gradually improved the environment and the economy, so that it was more local, self-sufficient, fun, humane, environmentally sustainable, free of cars and parking lots, etc., all these problems could be resolved in a few years' time.

Instead, the City's resources are continually wasted. These waste stories get reported, but people are fearful for their livelihoods, and so they don't make waves, and often disparage those who do. We unfortunately live in an economy of patronage and wage-slavery.

Take homelessness. It's a simple problem, that many cities have dealt with, through a simple solution: just provide housing to these people. It's not that hard!

It's the main thing people complain about in downtown's revitalization: "too many homeless people". 

Well, fix that. House them, and pull them in. Make them part of the solution. 

We have plenty of money to do this: just look at the waste!

Most people in Eugene know this, but for some reason we can't get candidates into office who understand this (well, two councilors do understand it, but they are an extreme minority).

If we want a unique Eugene, a sustainable Eugene, we must address this waste of people, money, property, nature and buildings, a waste at the heart of life here today. 

Yes, I know, it's a common problem all over the US … 

… but Eugene has a history of innovation … read these articles, if you need a smattering of ideas. 

And let's get to work eliminating waste.


At 8:57 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

I'm curious to know where you got the information about the market in Eugene inspiring the one in Portland, which then inspired the market in New York.

At 3:33 PM, Blogger Greg Bryant said...

A Eugene -> Portland reference is easy:

A Oregon->New York reference is harder to find, especially as there's no single "Saturday Market" in NYC any more. In the early 90's, some New York organizer told me that Eugene's market was well-known as the "most principled" (the artisans must be in the booth), and the quick success of the Oregon markets inspired all of the saturday markets in the 70's. A documented connection would require further research.

At 5:55 PM, Blogger Quà tặng doanh nghiệp said...

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At 12:17 AM, Blogger ramk said...

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At 9:36 AM, Blogger 梁爵 said...


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At 12:11 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

數: 4~5天(星期)。薪資: 月領6萬至8萬(週領)。註:多為日本商務酒店花名或觀光客,會簡單日語即可,服裝有分旗袍與便服。多分布於林森北路六、七條通一帶。<>收入: 每小時500~700元。尺度: 無需。外型: 中。酒量: 中高。時間: 茶舞/晚舞。天數: 可PT班較彈性。薪資: 期領。註:目前北部式微,中、南部仍有老字號店家營運中。<>收入: 1600元至2500元以上(一小時)。尺度: 無需。外型: 最高(167CM以上)。酒量: 中低。時間: 晚場/午場。天數: 3天以上(PT)、月休6天(正職)。薪資: 約6千左右(當日現領)。註:招待所類型店家並不多見,客人低調注重品味,相對外型門檻為最高。<>收入: 一節約110元至170元(十分鐘為一節/一星期上的天數越多薪資算法酒店文化越高) 。尺度: 無需。外型: 高。酒量: 中高。時間: 晚場(約六小時)。天數: 3天以上為上檔(星期)。薪資: 週薪約3萬至5萬以上(週領)。註:穿便服上班,外型穿著方面需多注意變化,注重女孩子散發之氣質,注重競爭。<>收入: 一節約170元至200元(十分鐘為一節/一星期上的天數越多,薪資算法越高)。尺度: 無需。外型: 中高。酒量: 中低。時間: 晚場/午場(晚場7小時/午場6小時)。天數: 4天以上為上檔或最少三天班(一星期為一檔。三天以下可談)。薪資: 週薪約2.5萬至4.5萬以上(週領)。註:穿禮服不需治裝費。新型態《小框店》有別於【看檯制】(有文章另述),帶檯直接引導姐妹坐定位置,不用排排站的選秀酒店工作時間坐檯方式,也就是酒店術語「不打槍」制度。在店家安排坐定位置後,約有1節讓顧客與姐妹互動,若顧客確定「坐定」後,則需小框該公關(約4小時=24節),否則排換其他姐妹(就是酒店術語「逼框」)。在此模式下會保障優質公關的節數收入。<>~~公關~~收入: 一節約130元至170元(十分鐘為一節/一星期上的天數越多,薪資算法越高)。尺度: 秀舞。外型: 無要求。酒量: 微量。時間: 晚場/午場(晚場7小時/午場6小時)。天數: 3天以上為上檔 (一星期)。薪資: 週薪約3.5萬至4.5萬(週領)。~~領檯~~收入: 一節約120元至160元(十分鐘為一節/一星期上的天數越多,薪資算法越高) 。尺度: 跳快舞(不需脫) 。外型: 外型甜美(不得過胖,必須比同店公關外型還優)。酒量: 中高。時間: 晚場/午場。天數: 3天以上為上檔,PT班可商談(一星期)。薪資: 週薪約2.5萬至3.5萬以上(週領)。註:較普遍的酒店類型。 【八大環境為酒店扣錢動態演變,在酒店工作選擇對的經紀公司比選男友重要,專業的分析與安排,才是讓妳可以身處安全環境下,快樂輕鬆賺到錢!】12.酒店的工作時間能很彈性嗎?一周要上幾天班呢? 若有特殊狀況,可協商【超級PT班】。【建議一周上3~4天班最佳!】即使完全沒經驗的新人,在入行1~2個月後,建議可穩定報3~4天班(可隔週輪替)。原因如下:低於此上班天數,相對收入變少,無法減輕經濟壓力。多少要喝酒

At 11:44 AM, Blogger 梁爵 said...


At 2:08 PM, Blogger 梁爵 said...

2020.05.30酒店小姐的基本介紹跟工作內容酒店兼職:梁曉尊/梁小尊 打工上班前如何調整心態!!!
1.你是否真的下定決心了?!!在這裡上班職場須知 【酒店PT 】,有時必須承受些許心理壓力。心理壓力在於..外貌.手腕.應對.決心。絕大部分的女孩只會想到自己本身的立場卻沒有想到消費者的想法。不是每位女孩上班都一定能賺到錢,你決定賺多少,你又能學習多少。取決於妳的"態度"一旦下定決心,請收起無謂的想法,好好學習應該有的工作態度。
2.當你下定決心後,請注意...先約在公共場所(如麥當勞) 對談細節(要求對方提出負面因素 如會扣錢的事項有哪些)最少看三家店的環境(這樣才能知對方能力和自己多方考慮)切記千萬別第一天看環境就馬上工作(要回家多方思考再決定)有部分招募公關的廣告,寫上許多超高的金額利誘。事實上這些金額 真的是看個人努力而有所不同啊。不能說她們是講假的,但是沒有人一開始就能做到(那要很犧牲)。

At 8:28 AM, Blogger 梁爵 said...

2020.11.22女大學生酒店打工的故事: 酒店工作-台北酒店專業經紀人總編輯:俄羅斯小說家托爾斯泰的文學作品《安娜.卡列尼娜》在開場即說到,「幸福的家庭無不相似,不幸的家庭各有不幸」,而進入八大行業酒店上班【酒店小姐】【酒店公關】,涉身其中的理由或有各自的不幸,而小惠則是「三緣皆無」。所謂的「三緣」,照小惠的說法是家緣、地緣與人緣。小惠大學念的是平面設計,出社會後進入設計公司上班,後來因故被開除,隻身一人與一隻寵物貓在台北,無任何地緣連結也無任何朋友人緣。唯一的經濟收入被切斷,卻得面臨房租、生活費與貓咪的開銷。「臉皮薄」以及與家庭關係疏離,讓小惠更是難以開口向家裡求援。無緣社會中三緣盡失的小惠,麻煩還不只如此。已屆研究所畢業年限的小惠,論文進度卻不前不進,她說她需要一個可以讓她一邊上班一邊寫論文的工作,但求職網看來看去就是那些,直到前男友丟來一個她從未看過的求職網站,上面卻出現一個讓她從來也沒想過的工作職缺:對不喝酒的小惠來說,這工作首先便通過了門檻,高時薪、工時也看似能讓她有餘裕完成論文,於是她加了一個據她說像是「假網美」頭貼的帳號後,對方向她要了全身照後隨後便約她「酒店兼差面試」。面試一切比想像中奇異,進展也比想像中來得順利。「小惠」這個名字其實是個「藝名」,經紀人給小惠的人設是「鄰家女孩」般的氣質,二十出頭的大學生、需要賺取學費所以來做酒店。

At 11:18 AM, Blogger ahmed deraz said...

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At 5:04 PM, Blogger 梁爵 said...

酒店上班技巧1. 內在的氣質:大老闆們去酒店消費,除了看長相之外再來就是看氣質了,內在的涵養會讓人感受到妳的氣質酒店小姐們常會因為一個習慣性的語助詞,時常動不動就出口成髒,林北、林良、靠、咁、糙,都是不文雅的用語如果說出來的話都是不得體的,那客人一定會將妳定位成沒氣質的酒店小姐,反之,假如妳把:請、謝謝、對不起掛在嘴邊不論如何都是很有禮貌的跟客人得體的說話,
酒店公關技巧2. 外在的包裝:
酒店上班技巧3. 懂得察言觀色:
酒店小姐技巧4. 投其所好製造共同話題:
技巧5. 給客人完美的最後印象:

At 5:52 PM, Blogger 梁爵 said...



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